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Riverchase Elementary School

eS2S Contact Information School Liaison Officer SLO

Dr. Alice Turney



Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Alice Turney

My name is Dr. Alice Turney and I grew up in a small town in Tennessee, just outside of Chattanooga. I married my husband, Pete, in 1993 and lived in Atlanta, Georgia prior to moving to Alabama. We have four children: Beth-21. Jason-17, and the twins- Mary Grace and William- 14.  We enjoy spending time together while fishing, going on road trips, watching the kids play in the band or football, attending church, and watching a good series on Netflix.  Where I grew up, we rode horses and motorcycles. Recently, I've been able to start riding again with an organization which promotes women riders and motorcycle safety. My favorite thing to do is ride with my kids, which they love and I get to spend quality one-on-one time with them.  When I moved from Atlanta over 15 years ago, I remember thinking that I would never find another school that I loved as much. I could not have been more wrong. This community and the children who fill it are my passion. Together with the staff and families, we have transformed this school into a very special place for kids. I am truly grateful and blessed to be the principal of Riverchase Elementary and I look forward to your family joining ours here at RES.

Mrs. Patti Tanner



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Patti Tanner

Welcome to Riverchase Elementary! My name is Mrs. Patti Tanner. I am honored to serve as one of the leaders of our S2S chapter at Riverchase Elementary! At our school, you can find me learning with all of our students in kindergarten through fifth grade. This is my 19th year with the Hoover City School system. I am married, have four grown children and three grandchildren.

Starting at a new school can be challenging. I have lived in four different states and remember how it felt to start over every time I moved. Who will be your friends? How will you find your classroom? Does the cafeteria serve your favorite food? Our Riverchase Jr. JAG Buddies and Ambassadors are here to help you get connected to our school! Our S2S commitment is that every student, old and new, feels welcome and a part of our community from day one.  Established in 2004, Student to Student is a program that brings students from military and civilian families together to welcome new students, create a positive environment, support academic excellence and make transitions into the new school easier for all of our students.

We are really glad you have come to Riverchase and I look forward to joining you on this journey and meeting you very soon. Please call (205) 439-3400 or email me if you have any questions.